LSS Laboratory for Systems and Signals
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing University of Zagreb
General Information Process measurement and control systems / General Information

Course Description

Process measurement and control systems is a one term course (spring term) in the eigth semestar, intended for undergraduate students on the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing at the University of Zagreb.


Communications. RS-232. Modem: dial-up, base band. OSI layers. Local Area Network: Ehternet, Token bus, Token ring. Wide Area Network, FDDI. PSDN. Internet. Telephony: ISDN, GSM. Programming tools, Operating systems. System design, Project documentation, Project management.


Instructors are Prof. Branko Jeren and Predrag Pale. Teaching assistant is Hrvoje Bogunoviæ.

University of Zagreb - FER - ZESOI - LSS - SPVP
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